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Between The Bookends

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Pretty Little Rose

Pretty Little Rose - Lucy Wild description


So this was my first foray into this author and there is no doubt I will be checking out her other books. I'm not usually a lover of historical romances to be honest. I overdosed on those in my teens and early twenties. That said, I am a HUGE fan of Daddy kink, so I thought "why not?"


This book was really well written. It was nicely paced. Had some hot sex scenes. The main characters were fairly likable. I loved Titus. Rose took a little longer to warm up to, but the farther we got in the book I came to understand her more. The nanny was a weird addition, but again fit in with the theme so I went with it. I do wish it would have had a better epilogue. Overall though I really liked it.

NOW, that being said, this was WAY over the line in what I enjoy in my DD/lg books. I spent a good portion of the book laughing my ass off at some of the things that Titus made Rose do (she loved every minute of it).


A 19-year-old playing tea party is a little creepy to me. Like super creepy...Like I've seen one too many horror movies that start that way...creepy. And it just got creepier from there. Pacifiers, peeing in diapers, having a nanny dress and wash her, and feed her a bottle. That just isn't in my wheelhouse of sexy play. So those parts had me laughing. Which I am sure wasn't the intended reaction, but my reaction all the same.

But like I said above the writing was do good and the story so entertaining I got past all that and actually ended up really enjoyed this one. Two thumbs up from yours truly.

