So..didn't love this one as much as the first.
Here's the thing, I liked Meryn fine in the first book, but what was cute and quirky, quickly became annoying in this book. I felt she acted childish through this whole book, and I just wanted someone to tell her to grow the fuck up. The way she treats Aiden is awful, lighting someone's car on fire because you think they are ignoring you, isn't cute. It borders on psycho...
Which leads me to my other issue. This is suppose to be Gavriel and Beth's book, but their story is just background for the Meryn and Aiden show. I want to hear their story, not a rehash of the first book! I've reached my Meryn saturation point, which worries me on what I have to look forward to in the rest of the books.
The other thing I found annoying was Beth's klutziness, there is being adorably clumsy, then there is ridiculousness. Baby proofing the house, seriously?? She is an adult for gods sake...sigh.
SO, ya...didn't love this one. If we are going to continue on with the over the top childish Meryn behavior, I think I way have to call it a day with these books, which sucks because I LOVE the secondary characters and look forward to their story, as long as it is ACTUALLY their story, not just background noise.